Role: Social Strategist
Agency: W+K
“Innovation is at the heart of WWF’s work – we want to find new and exciting ways of engaging with people. By using one of the world’s biggest social platforms to highlight the need to protect endangered species, we’re hoping to raise vital funds for their conservation, as well as raising awareness globally.”
17 of the animal emojis that millions of people use every single day are, unbeknownst to most, actually endangered species.
The world’s first emoji-based fundraising campaign - the premise: get people on Twitter signed up to donate every time they use one of the endangered emojis in a Tweet via a monthly bill (also received via Twitter).
The key objective was to increase brand awareness with a younger audience and secondarily drive donations. It achieved those. 600,000 campaign hashtag uses, 200,000+ new followers for WWF and over 60,000 sign ups for donations.
One Show Merit
Marketing Week - Campaign of the year
Lovie award
People's Lovie award
Social Buzz Award - Best use of twitter
Social Buzz Award - Best charity strategy
Creativity pick of the day
Third Sector - Digital Campaign of the Week